He likes...
*the Itsy Bitsy Spider song
*the ceiling fan (he stares at it even if its not on)
*milk and lots of it
*his frog blankie(in the pics)
*baths (most of the time)
*being outside
*big lights
*to be held
He dislikes...
*sleeping in his bassinet during the day
*waking up in his swaddling blanket
*Steele in his face
*diaper changes
*when you first put him in the car (but then he goes to sleep)
He has already been a few places...
*2 baseball games
*church a few times
*Wal-Mart (of course)
*our vet's office
Cute pictures!! I can't believe he's already 7 weeks!!! He is such a cutie.
He is a cutie! Love the outfit!! The Easter pics are really cute!
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