My Family

My Family

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Ashley B Photography specializes in newborn, children, and family photography in the Van Vleet-Houston area. I do on location photography which means you can do your photo shoot anywhere you like!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bye, bye August

August has really flown by to me. Maybe it's the 20 puppies and the 2 year old that have made it seem that way or maybe just waiting on the next doctors appointment to hear the babys heartbeat and get to see it on the sonogram. I don't know, but it's almost gone. Steele has really taken an interest in letters and numbers this week. He has found a new favorite show, it's "Super Why" on PBS. We have to record it on DVR because he wants to watch it constantly. He is all day long asking me "Momma, what is it?" pointing to a letter or number on one of his books. He is so funny. If he thinks he knows what it is, he says it and then if you tell him different, he says "Ohhh, ok". He is such a mess.

I am totally excited about this weekend. John Paul and I are headed to Nashville for the PBR Bull Riding. We watch it all the time on TV and have been wanting to go for several years now. We really need a break for just the two of us too. I think it is going to be a great weekend, even though I have to go to the Bass Pro Shop on Saturday. I hope to get some shopping of my own in too. We haven't been away from Steele for more than a day in a while, but I'm sure he will make it better than we will.

Who knows?
Jason says "Whoop, whoop"

This is how I have found Steele numerous times in the last few weeks. He doesn't ask me to get him anything anymore, he just climbs up and gets it himself. This was a cake that I made and it ended up with small finger holes across the entire thing:)


Liz McCoy said...

our 2 yo LOVES super why...we too have to dvr it we have 25 eps on the upstairs tivo he watches them over and over....he learned all his letters from watching super why. HE could ready them before he was two!

That show ROCKS!!!